the fashion department of the royal academy of fine arts in antwerp acknowledges
The Hogeschool Antwerpen and the vzw Hacom for the logistic support
All employees, especially Mieke van den Broeck, Leo Steurs and the members of the intervention team -
managed by Maddie De Pauw - for their co-operation
Fortis Bank as the main sponsor of the event, and especially Edgar Hermans
The Flanders Fashion Institute
Frank Etienne: Line up
Mattel: Tom Schelstraete and Barbara Urlik PR Style
The Toy Museum of Mechelen
Uco: Rinze Koopmans
International Flavor and Fragnances: Catherine Mitchell and Christophe Laudamiel
Scabal and Boudewijn Binst for his support and donation of materials to the students of the Fashion Department
The students and teachers of Heilig Graf Turnhout
VLM (Belgian airlines)
L'Oréal Professionnel, Helena Rubinstein
Germaine Bastelleissens
Lieven Vanparys
Bel Company
Germaine Basteleissens, Lieven Vanparys, Philippe Verschueren, Ronalds Stoops
De Witte Lelie,, Hotel Julien,
Etienne Tordoir, photography catwalk
Annick Geenen, photography backstage