Here’s a little taste of what our 12 master students will have on offer for SHOW2022 on 3&4/06! Get your tickets now!

Jejung Park

​​From: South Korea
Age: 29
​IG: @parkjejung_

My MA collection is inspired by Andy Warhol as his figure, style, and his photographic works. I have been influenced a lot by him and his works from the very beginning of my fashion study.
Having incorporated the shutter of camera into my designs, which reminds me of spiral and Greek sculptures, I have wanted my collections to be spiraled into our body through the seam-lines or draping and made more 3D silhouette. I used elements such as scarves, patchworks, draped silhouette, flash ideas in the prints using air spray or digital print. I challenged myself to use materials which I haven’t really used in the past such as lurex, silver leather and faux fur.