As Covid-19 restrictions are causing cancellations of public events worldwide, the Fashion Department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – AP University College is decidedly moving forward with a new and innovative way to show off its students’ end-of-year and graduate collections. After the Academy’s rapid pivot to virtual classes and online mentoring sessions, the next logical step is a digital Antwerp fashion runway for all to see.
Since its start, the Antwerp Fashion Department that has been contiuously named as one of the best fashion schools in the world, has been putting on a yearly, whirlwind multi-hour show for some 4.000 industry isiders, brand representatives and fashion enthusiasts alike. Not wantig to make an exception and provide 2020 Bachelor and Master students with similar opportunities and closure, the department’s staff and closely conected creatives put their minds to task to dream up a digital platform filled with suprises.
Walter Van Beirendonck, head of the Fashion Department: “During these extreme times, it is crucial to self-reflect, but we find it equally important to look towards the future with hope and perseverance. Some fashion schools have decided to postphone their graduation efforts – which I completely uderstand – but my team and I wanted to explore fresh avenues to bookend our students’ hard work, but also our school year, in a celebratory way. I am excited and proud to announce our dynamic digital platform WWWSHOWWW.“
More about WWWSHOWWW, its online release schedule featuring Belgian and international guests will be revealed end of May.