Curriculum vitae

Andrea Ayala Closa
Date of birth : 5-9-79, Spain
Living in Antwerp, Belgium
Contact : +32 (0)498 367 151
e-mail : [email protected]

- ´97/´98/´99/´00 EATM/  Fashion Design; Escola d´Arts i tècniques de la
  Moda, University of Southampton. ESDI/ Escola Superior de Diseny,
  universitat Ramon Llull. 
  June ´01 Final project degree. Womenswear. Printing research collection.
  Dissertation title: Fiction & cotidianity.
  Qualification: Second Class Division I   ( BA Fashion )
- September ´03 - June ´07 Fashion Academy, Antwerp.
- Oct.´98/March ´99/Oct.´99  Textile Spanish agent in Limonta.
  Collaboration with Texlook S.L, in Premiere Vision, Paris.
  Three consecutives editions.
- Sept. ´01- February ´03. Designer Assistant. Josep Abril, Menswear.
  Taking part in the three consecutives regular collections and designing
  three knitwear secondary collections. Managing the production .
  Abril Studio S.L . 
- February ´03. Free Lance work. Instituto Helena Francis / Augusta
  Natural. Barcelona.
  Renovation of image and clothing of  a beauty institute. Managing the
  production of the garments of the five different disciplines.

 Other relevant experience
- St. Martins School of Arts, summer curses. Figure and Fashion Drawing
- Sept. ´02. Finalist in Merkafad contest, Barcelona.  
- Antwerp Vitrin. Labels. Inc. September 2004/ September 2006
- March ´06. Finalist of project, creation of a perfume.
  IFF: International Fragance and Flavors. 

Thank you
I want to thank first my parents, Pepe and Maria Antonia, my brother Marc and also my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins for being there anytime. Thanks also Aude Vercruyce, Nele Samson and all the girls, and friends that have modeled for my show. Doris and Diane, Laurita and Silvia Balcells, Carme Morral, Collete, Ali in his iron atelier, Texlook S.L team

Manolo Martinez (Astrud), Bas de Caluwe for the music.
Pels synera, Jaume Comenge for the web page and Miriam Ponsa team for coming every year.
To Viviane from label´s inc. and the magazine Odd at large, to Mieke Verbijlen, and Daniel Sannwald. To Thierry, outlandish-photo and Sarah van Marcke.
Andere and Eudi for taking train tickets from London every year and to Adriaan, Marlen ,Fo, Mariam,Vicky and Pol, Marta and Roger, Anna,Charo, Robert, Josep Abril, Manel, Lourdes, Sigman, Pilar who took planes to come to Antwerp, to all my partners in class for fighting for the catalogue so nice all together, David Flamé and especially Chris Gillis.
To Linda Loppa, Heidi Pille and Yvonne deckock. To Walter van Beirendonck and to Bruno Pieters, and to all the teachers.
Alejandro Jodorowsky and Joan Brossa for full inspiration.
I had soo much fun!!!

Cotonificio Albini , Limonta, Cotonificio Veneto, Bonotto, Texmoda, Berto
La Tissotheque, and Mireille de Battice
Thanks also to Lottusse, Marc Ribas for Celia Marco, and Le coq Sportif, for shoes sponsor and Hilde Frunt.