Despite the demanding curriculum, there are still opportunities for collaboration on projects in the cultural or commercial sector. Such collaborations are a reality which the students are bound to have to deal with in their later careers. However, the department takes care that these commercial activities do not become an extra burden for the students on top of the well-filled curriculum. During the four-year training, students are not considered to follow training periods as an internship. All attention goes out to the creation and realisation of the collection.

The annual fashion show is a celebration of fashion, bringing together some 6,000 spectators from all over the world, not only to judge and/or admire the collections of our students, but also for the unique atmosphere of this grand défilé. Once a year, the space is filled with friends, fashion enthusiasts, manufacturers, former students, fashion designers, styling agencies, culture buffs and the press. Their interest and appreciation are the reward for the continuous efforts of both students and teachers, year after year. The show is repeated three evenings in a row. Students from all four years show their work on the catwalk. The jury composed by national and international fashion and art people, judge their collections and installations. The spectacle pays its own way: the entire show is financed by the sale of tickets and catalogues.


First year students are given the opportunity to learn Dutch in different institutions. Foreign students are given facilities, for instance in the way of taking examination (e.g. oral English instead of Dutch written) In the

artistic courses, most teachers are very flexible and speak English and/or French. From the Second year on every student is supposed to understand and speak Dutch not perfect but understandable.


The purposes of the Social Services Hogeschool Antwerpen is to meet the needs and requirements of all students at the Academy and the Hogeschool. The non-profit organisation is jointly managed by students and takes care of:
• Psycho- social guidance (stress control, fear of failure training, therapeutic guidance)
• Culture (information, discounts, project -funding -support & -sponsoring)
• Job services (advice,  job offers,  job requests)
• Social service (Study financing, social law, children’s allowance, etc…)
• Housing (Rooms, rent laws, contracts)
• Transport & travel funds
• Sport and recreational facilities.

Linda Loppa
Head of the fashion department and fashion design in graduating year.
Nellie Nooren
Fashion design teacher in first Year
Yvonne Dekock
Graphic design teacher in four years
Chris Fransen
Tailoring and pattern design teacher First and third year
Heidi Pille
Draping modelling Second to Final Year
Walter Van Beirendonck
Fashion design teacher in third year